
Much time and care have gone into the design and content of this website, so you probably understand that it is not appreciated if something is copied from this site just like that.

The texts published here are licensed under the Creative Commons License to make things easier. The theme is Iceberg, from Nordstudio. The backend is WordPress and I host it at Strato. For everything else, please contact me.


This website has just been tested in the most recent versions of Edge (normal and beta branches) and Safari on iOS. So if you’re using anything that’s using Google’s Chromium engine or Apple’s WebKit engine you should be just fine.

Code of conduct

Responding is fun, but also keep it fun. So don’t flame, troll, or do some other nonsense. Make an effort to use correct English, or Dutch (or even better, use the Venlo dialect), don’t start scolding or insulting other people/persons/religions, it’s not cool and I will reward you with an (IP) ban.